June 15, 2024

1 lugl 1525 anni - Tynsdale's English translation of The New Testament printed (1525 CE)


William Tyndale was one of the first to begin translating the Bible into English.

He sought permission from the church to translate the text, but was denied. Regardless, Tyndale continued with his translations, publishing an incomplete version of the New Testament in 1525 CE and later a complete version in 1526 CE.

Other parts of the Bible were also translated into English, but before Tyndale was able to complete his translations, he was betrayed to the authorities and executed by the Church for heresy in 1536 CE.

Tyndale's Bible (as it later became known as) was the first English bible to take advantage of the printing press and also the first English translation to draw directly from the Greek and Hebrew texts.

Despite being executed for his translations, parts of the Tyndale Bible were revised and reused in later English translations of the Bible, including the notable King James Bible of 1611. Some estimates suggest that over 80% of the New Testament and 75% of the Old Testament found in the King James Bible came from Tyndale's translations.

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:


1 lugl 1525 anni
~ 499 years ago