June 15, 2024

4 magg 1949 anni - Tsĩvgalè Rekĩ Tasak Declares Himself Dictator of Oipienta


Tasak declared himself dictator because of his own ambitions for power but he played it off as necessary due to the war and the extremely dangerous threat of the Fevak Commonwealth. He was extremely loved by the majority of the populous and he had no backlash from the international community. He banned elections for the forseeable future, he set heavy limits on all press freedoms and began a campaign to abolish or control all known types of media in Oipienta, and he set a curfew in all major cities. Large amounts of Oipientian Fascist proganda began to be made and distributed to Oipientian settlements across the nation and a large chunk of the propaganda was against Fevak, Ravosii, and Kilrift nationals both domestic and abroad.

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:


4 magg 1949 anni
~ 75 years ago