June 15, 2024

1 magg 1911 anni - Songhee Deal


Only a small portion of the province of British Columbia had been set aside for First Nations reserves. Many of these reserves were close to growing cities or were on land rich with minerals. Premier Sir Richard McBride, recognized the growing population of the province and thought that if the province could gain control of the reserve land there would be more areas for settlement and development. The provincial government had previously tried to persuade the Songhee to move with small cash payments but they rejected the offer refused to move.
Songhee Chief Micheal Cooper negotiated with the government until they reached an agreeable deal. Each of the 43 Songhee families would receive a large cash payment in exchange for handing over their reserve land. They would also need to move to another reserve that was chosen by McBride and 5 other Songhee members. The moving expense would be paid for and the Songhee would have land and fishing and hunting rights.
In May of 1911, the deal was finalized and the Songhees moved to another reserve. Chief Cooper spoke of McBride's kindness and even made McBride an honorary Songhee chief. The Colonist described a contributing factor to the success of the deal.

"[The Songhees were] death with not as wards of the government but as individuals enjoying certain rights, which they ought to be paid to relinquish" - Colonist

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:

7 feb 2018


1 magg 1911 anni
~ 113 years ago