April 1, 2024

4 dic 1915 anni - " ... six millions of Russian and Polish Jews are to-day the most pitiable victims of that race hatred and that race fanaticism which have been the creed of Germany ... And yet lending Jews like Miximilan Harden. Dernberg, and Wolff are still defending the righteous German war, and are still loyal to the Super-race." The Mercury, December 4th, 1915


The Mercury, December 4th, 1915 Pg. 7
"According to information from Russia
the condition of the Jews in Poland
is daily getting worse. Russian
Poland contains a larger number of
Jews than all the countries of the
world together, and those six millions
of Russian and Polish Jews are today
the most pitiable victims of that race
hatred and that race fanaticism which
have been the creed of Germany and
which have been too often propagated
by the Jewish publicists themselves.
Anti-Semitism has been rife in every
country, but only in Germany has it
been preached as a systematic doctrine.
The same national historian, Tretschke,
who was the champion of Prussian
militarism, has also been the
father of German anti-Semitism. And
yet lending Jews like Miximilan Harden.
Dernberg, and Wolff are still defending
the righteous German war, and
are still loyal to the Super-race."

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:

1 giorni fa


4 dic 1915 anni
~ 108 years ago