June 15, 2024

25 marzo 1921 anni - Party heads to Pyramids Encounters Feral Kharisiri


Maggie and Simon blow the shit out of it. Clarence goes for a closer look and suffers some sanity damage, and when Sven goes up to take a look he takes a lot of sanity damage but manages to talk himself down. Luis de Mendoza and Larkin come out to see what the fuss is about and Leo Simmons sees through their ruse. De Mendoza is disgusted morally by the head Sven throws at his feet, and Larkin is not in the least surprised by its appearance, only disappointed that another wrinkle has appeared in his plans.

Maggie suggests they keep watch that night, and while de Mendoza digs a shallow grave Petunia and Clarence dissect the head. They find it is a human head where the maggot’s acid has dissolved and reshaped the flesh, with a large mass of maggoty flesh in the skull where the brain should be. They let de Mendoza bury the head, and him and Maggie take the first watch with her regaling him with all the latest New York Gossip.

Early in the morning on Sven and Leo’s shift the Kharisiri bursts out of the shallow grave and throws itself down the hills, disappearing from sight in the direction of the temple. Ominous music plays.

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:

13 set 2021


25 marzo 1921 anni
~ 103 years ago