June 15, 2024

19 gen 2004 anni - Alexandria finishes construction of the wall, Alexander Davidson is exiled. (Issue 70 - Mentioned) (Issue 76 - Mentioned)


- Day 184 (Approximately) (Assumed)
- After finishing construction of the perimeter wall, the community of Alexandria throw a few parties for special occasions where many of them get drunk and embarrass themselves.
- At some point later, Alexander Davidson starts using his power as leader to exchange sexual favours from the women in exchange for protection or none at all. It was only after Beth committed suicide that many of the residents including Douglas were aware of this.
- Davidson would also assign people jobs they don't want and put others in the way of danger instead of himself. Douglas knew he had to go for the better of the community.
- Douglas couldn't bring himself to kill his best friend so he burned a walker body double and threatened to shoot Davidson outside the community's gates if he followed him back inside, exiling his friend.
- Davidson died from unknown causes outside Alexandria.

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:


19 gen 2004 anni
~ 20 years ago