June 15, 2024

1 gen 1625 anni a. C. - Santorini Eruption


Gertoux, Gérard. Sarah wife of Abraham Fairy tale or real history? Outcome of the Investigation.

...the eruption of the Santorini volcano is dated about 1625 BCE by dendrochronology (Treuil, Darcque, Poursat, Touchais: 2008, 296).

Dating the Thera (Santorini) eruption: archaeological and scientific evidence supporting a high chronology
Sturt W. Manning1, Felix Ho ̈flmayer2, Nadine Moeller2, Michael W. Dee3, Christopher Bronk Ramsey3, Dominik Fleitmann4, Thomas Higham3, Walter Kutschera5 & Eva Maria Wild5

...overwhelmingly indicate a seventeenth century BC date range


R. TREUIL, P. DARCQUE, J.-C. POURSAT, G. TOUCHAIS -Les Civilisations égéennes du Néolithique et de l'Âge du Bronze Paris 2008 Éd. Presses universitaires de France p. 296.

One therefore is easily led to conclude, on the basis of the chronology of Crete, a date around 1550-1530 BCE (...) the dating by C14 and dendrochronology clearly invite one to hold a date one century later. They (dates) first appeared to converge towards the period 1650-1643, especially because the presence of volcanic ash in Greenland may arise from Thera, trapped in ice sheets, suggesting an identical date. But the latest and most relevant dating now tilt the balance towards the years 1625-1600, and despite the remaining uncertainties, many believe it is time to draw the consequences of this situation.

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:


1 gen 1625 anni a. C.
~ 3651 years ago