June 15, 2024

24 apr 1533 anni a. C. - Ahmose Sapair Dies


The Pharaoh of the Exodus Fairy tale or real history? Outcome of the investigation by

The eldest son of Seqenenre Taa, Ahmose Sapaïr, who was crown prince died in a dramatic and unexplained way shortly before his father. According to the Bible, the crown prince of Pharaoh died on 14 Nisan (24 April 1533 BCE): all the first-born in Egypt will die [on 14 Nisan], from the first-born of Pharaoh, heir to his throne, to the first-born of the slave-girl at the mill, and all the first-born of the livestock (Ex 11:5).

...double helical rising of Sirius and Venus (17 July 1543 BCE in Thebes), an exceptional event which occurred every 243 years and which was depicted as a symbolic phoenix by Egyptian astronomers (it is noteworthy that the Horus name of Seqenenre was “The one which appeared in Thebes”). When Seqenenre died his eldest son Ahmose Sapaïr, who was crown prince, was about 10 years old according to the size of his mummy as well as his mortuary statue, accordingly, he was born in 1543 BCE when his father began to reign. This coincidence may explain why he received an exceptional worship for approximately 500 years after his death.


Moses and the Exodus Chronological, Historical and Archaeological Evidence by Gérard GERTOUX

Not only is the brutal death of Seqenenre inexplicable, but his eldest son, the Crown Prince, also died shortly before in dramatic circumstances: Seqenenre had an heir, Prince Iahmes. He died at six years old and his father followed closely (...) Very quickly his cult was formed [and would last until the beginning of the 21st dynasty] and he was the firstofthe"bigfamily"Royalfromthelate17th andearly18th Dynastytohave been the object of worship, before Amenhotep I and Iahmes Nefertari (...) inscriptions of the statue reveal that this prince was the eldest son of Seqenenre Djehuty-Aa (...) The statue is exceptional in many respects. This is a large statue of 1.035 m tall, which is remarkable at a time when there were almost no statues! It shows family grief, the prince evidently died prematurely as it is regretted by his mother and two sisters, and his father the king. It is unique in the history of Pharaonic Egypt that a king declares his paternity and speaks directly to his son, using a second person227. The reasons for this cult that lasted nearly half a millennium remain mysterious. The examination of the mummy of Iahmes Sapaïr indicates that this prince measured 1.17 m228 which evaluates as 6/7 years the age of his son. Despite his young age, Ahmose Sapaïr was circumcised229 to indicate that he was pure in gods' eyes which was exceptional, because circumcision was usually performed at puberty230.


According to the Bible, the crown prince of Pharaoh died on 14 Nisan (24 April 1533 BCE): all the first-born in Egypt will die [on 14 Nisan], from the first-born of Pharaoh, heir to his throne, to the first-born of the slave-girl at the mill, and all the first-born of the livestock (Ex 11:5).

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:


24 apr 1533 anni a. C.
~ 3560 years ago
