June 15, 2024

4 apr 2 anni a. C. - John the Baptist Born


Herod the Great and Jesus Chronological, Historical and Archaeological Evidence

A chronological detail from the book of Luke allows one to fix the exact date of Jesus' birth. Indeed, John the Baptist was born 6 months before Jesus (Lk 1:26) and his conception was announced at the Temple 9 months earlier. This announcement may be dated toward June, because this was the class of Abijah, to which belonged Zechariah father of John the Baptist, who officiated at this time of the year (Lk 1:5-13). The name and the order of classes of priests are very old (1Ch 24:7-18). According to Josephus (Jewish Antiquities VII:365-366), each class officiated a week from the Sabbath to the next Sabbath (1Ch 9:25; 2Ch 23:8), and the Mishna (Sukka 4:7) states that during the great annual festivals the 24 classes served together, which synchronised both cycles of 24 weeks, the first beginning on Nisan and the second on Tishri. A manuscript found at Qumran (4Q321) confirmed the seasonal order of such a calendar159. The turnover of classes of priests was cyclic in the year; this system worked until the destruction of the Temple in September 70 CE (Tosephta Taanit 2:10 b)160. The cycle of 24 classes which lasted 24 weeks coincided with the lunar year, as the 1st cycle began after the Passover (Nisan 14 to 21) and lasted 24 weeks and the 2nd cycle began after the Feast of Tabernacles (Tishri 10 to 21). A period of 6 lunar months lasts exactly 177 days (= 6x29,5), or approximately 25 weeks (25x7 = 175 days). The religious year began on 1 Nisan. As the weeks go from Saturday to Saturday, the 8 days of Passover (Nisan 14 to 21) were overlapping 1 or 2 weeks (depending on the year). Similarly, the calendar year started on 1 Tishri, thus the Feast of Tabernacles (Tishri 10 to 21) covered 2 or 3 weeks. Therefore, the 24 classes of priests officiated all together on average 2 weeks during the two major festivals (Passover Nisan 14 to 21 and Feast of Tabernacles starting with Yom Kippur from 10 to 21 Tishri), since the solar year of 365 days is 52 weeks (= 24x2 + 2x2).

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4 apr 2 anni a. C.
~ 2028 years ago