June 15, 2024

1 feb 20 anni a. C. - Beginning of Temple Construction (Herod)


Herod the Great and Jesus Chronological, Historical and Archaeological Evidence

The text of John 2:13-20 also assumes that Jesus' ministry began in 29 CE as it quotes a discussion placed at the first Passover (in 30 CE): The Passover of the Jews was near, and Jesus went up to Jerusalem (...) the Jews replied, ‘It has taken 46 years to build this sanctuary [naos]’. The Greek word naos means the sanctuary of the Temple and not the Temple itself [ieron]. Moreover Josephus (Jewish Antiquities XX:219) states that the Temple [ieron] was not yet completed at the time of the procurator Albinus (62-64 CE). Concerning the sanctuary, he writes: When Herod completed the 17th year of his reign, Caesar came in Syria (...) It was at this time, in the 18th year of his reign, after the events mentioned above, that Herod undertook an extraordinary work: the reconstructing of the temple of God at his own expense (...) the sanctuary [naos] itself was built by the priests in 1 year and 6 months (Jewish Antiquities XV:354,380,421). Cassius Dio placed the journey of Augustus in Syria in the spring of the year, February/ March, when Marcus Publius Silius and Apuleius were consuls in 20 BCE (Roman History LIV:7:4-6), actually corresponding to the end of the 18th year of Herod (21/20). Thus, the building of the Temple [ieron] began in 20 (April) and the building of the sanctuary [naos] began to 19 BCE (in October) and was completed in March in 17 BCE because it lasted 1 year and 6 months. For religious reasons, construction of the sanctuary was probably made during the 20th and 21st year of Herod the Great, which were sabbatical and jubilee years.

Josephus relates that the battle of Actium took place in the 7th year of Herod's reign15 (Jewish Antiquities XV:121). As the war began in March 31 BCE16 and it ended with the victory of Caesar (and Agrippa) against Cleopatra (and Antony) on September 2, 31 BCE, the beginning has to be set in the 7th year which went from April 32 BCE to March 31 BCE. If we fix the end of the war in the 7th year, not the beginning, the death of Herod would be located in his 37th year between April 1 BCE and March 1 CE. Both possibilities (died on January 1 BCE or 1 CE) clearly contradict a death dated in 4 BCE.


The Atonement Clock by Christian Gedge

To ingratiate himself to the Jewish people, and to create a memorial to his name, Herod began to rebuild the temple in 20 BC. Josephus says:
"And now Herod, in the eighteenth year of his reign, and after the acts
already mentioned, undertook a very great work, that is, to build of himself the temple of God." (Antiquities 15, ch.11.1)
This date takes on a new significance when we hear the indignant comment of the temple authorities on the first occasion Jesus cleared the temple.
"Jesus answered them, “Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up.” The Jews then said, “It has taken forty­six years to build this temple, and will you raise it up in three days?” (John 2:20)

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:


1 feb 20 anni a. C.
~ 2045 years ago