April 1, 2024

1 gen 2028 anni - 1st Child Inshallah


Sam (next door neighbour) asked about having a kid and whether she should quit her job or not

- Mama said that a childhood only comes once and motherhood only available for 10-14 years when the child needs you but till then should be available constantly and don't wanna miss anything

- Become a mother when you understand that and when you are able to give that much time to your children (should stay part-time and then revert to full time after age 14 kids = so no regrets in parenthood)

- How many kids (amount of kids = financial burden and pressure of not being able to be a parent to them if e.g. 4 kids and also how much will they get in inheritance) = perhaps MAX 2

- Government reduced benefits = a lot of cases reported on social media that the new Universal Benefits mean that people cannot even pay rent and pay for food at the same time; SO SAD that in cases parents who cannot support the child and left it to the welfare of the state have now been left helpless seeing their children on the street homeless = one case of a homeless dead person found on the street with a science textbook and people realised that he was a student and wasnt able to pay rent.

- Paeds nurses pay have been cut so they cannot pay the rent for their house unless both partners work because the cost of living is so high that cannot support more than 1-2 kids

- MUST GUIDE CHILDREN that must follow a career which gives money and satisfies them due to these difficulties in life and hence educate children not to have more than 2 kids

- My Granddad has 4 kids (3 sons and daughter) and now retired and given most to daughter but now sons only have house in inheritance and all want the house but dad wants youngest to have it because he didn't do so well in career but all feel that they have sacrificed a lot and want their part in inheritance and now they were lovey dovey in the past and did a lot together but now my uncles don't even talk to each other
(My Grandad now feels so bad that all his children just fight with each other)

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:


1 gen 2028 anni
~ 3 years and 7 months later