June 15, 2024

9 nov 2020 anni - Possible COVID Vaccine by Xmas


The UK Health Secretary said it was ‘absolutely a possibility’ that a vaccine could be available by Christmas.

The NHS is on standby to roll out a coronavirus vaccine from December, with people in the UK likely to be among the first in the world to receive the jab, the Health Secretary has said.

But Matt Hancock warned on Tuesday there were still many hurdles to overcome before the “vast task” of vaccination could begin.

Here is everything you need to know about the vaccine roll-out plans, what coronavirus jabs are in development and what the experts have to say. (Express and Star)

Boris Johnson says ‘if and when this vaccine is approved,’ the UK will be ready to use it.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson hosted a government press conference from Downing Street where he announced that “If and when this vaccine is approved, we in this country will be ready to use it.” The prime minister also said that the UK is at the “front of the pack” for the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine and has bought enough doses for a third of the population if it proves a success. (@BBCNews)

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:


9 nov 2020 anni
~ 3 years and 6 months ago