June 15, 2024

13 sett 2020 anni - Paris protests against racism and police brutality


Paris riot police fired tear gas Saturday to disperse a largely peaceful but unauthorised protest of police brutality and entrenched racism, as a wave of anger continued to sweep the world following the death of African American George Floyd.

The protest was generally peaceful but after three hours skirmishes broke out. Organisers urged protesters with children to leave as riot police charged pockets of protesters and projectiles were thrown at police lines.

Early in the afternoon, angry shouts rose from the racially diverse crowd as a small group of white extreme-right activists climbed a building overlooking the protest and unfurled a huge banner denouncing “anti-white racism.”

Building residents then reached out of their windows and tore part of the banner down, one raising his fist in victory. Officers prevented people attending the main rally from approaching the counter-demonstrators, but didn’t detain the far-right activists until two hours later, further angering the crowd below. (France24)

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:


13 sett 2020 anni
~ 3 years and 8 months ago