June 15, 2024

1 sett 2020 anni - BLM Protests started again in LA


On September 1, protests started again in LA after police fatally shot a Black man. The man, who was pulled over for breaking a vehicle code, allegedly punched a deputy in the face and tried to run, dropping a gun in the process. Police allegedly opened fire the moment they spotted the dropped gun. On September 4, protests in Rochester entered their second night after a fatal encounter between a Black man and police. While the protests began peacefully, they later turned violent after many aggressive protesters clashed with police. At least 11 people were arrested amidst the violence. Despite these reports, a new study released on September 5 found that 93% of BLM protests are peaceful. On September 5, President Trump banned racial sensitivity training in federal agencies, claiming it was divisive, anti-American propaganda.” President Trump has stated that these trainings cause unrest in the workplace. His decision comes amid the protests on racial injustices. (CNN/BBC)

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:


1 sett 2020 anni
~ 3 years and 9 months ago