June 15, 2024

1 gen 1855 anni - Wood Mill on present day Strawberry Hill


Strawberry Hill was originally called Splitlog Hill. Mathias Splitlog became wealthy building a wood mill on present day site in 1855. He was dubbed the “the millionaire Indian” by some people in the town even though he was only fifty percent pure Wyandot native. Splitlog was an amazingly industrious individual who once built a steamboat with his brother and started a fishing trade when he was still a child. When he settled in Wyandot City he built a mill himself and obtained two burrs for cutting that he
dredged from the Missouri River after they had fallen off a boat. He made so much money with the mill that he owned much of what is today called Strawberry Hill. He eventually sold the 70 acres for a large profit ($56,000) and started his own town in southern Missouri called Splitlog (Taylor, Loren, “Splitlog Sawmill in Strawberry Hill”, The Historical Journal of Wyandotte County: The Journal Digital Archive, V.III,

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:


1 gen 1855 anni
~ 169 years ago