June 15, 2024

1 gen 2011 anni - Tina Medina


Tina Medina: 2011 Reasons to Believe Honoree: She describes herself as a minister and author, but Tina Medina is that and so much more. With a background in communications and business management, she has built an impressive career that has included television writing and producing, public relations and marketing, career coaching, grant writing and entrepreneurship.

In 2006, she founded Wise Writers and Speakers, a company that specializes in public relations, writing and project management for area not-for-profit agencies and small businesses. She also works as a grant writer/PR specialist for Comprehensive Mental Health Services.

Growing up, writing was something that came naturally to her. She came to Argentine Junior High in the 9th grade, too late to serve on the newspaper staff. So when she started high school the following year at J.C. Harmon, she went with a determination to make her mark in the field. She worked her way up to become editor-in-chief of the school paper. She credits her journalism teacher for giving her reasons to believe in herself by providing support, guidance and inspiration. The determination she had at an early age has served her well. In March of 2008 she had a kidney transplant that gave her a second chance at life. Since that time she has continued to set and achieve goals, impacting organizations and changing lives.
She has authored several books including, “Hola! Academic Success Student Case Management,” and “Why Me? A Children’s Guide to Spiritual Restoration from Sexual Abuse.” Medina is also proud to say she is a “Dotte.” She grew up in the Argentine community and still lives in her father’s house today. She loves the diversity of the neighborhood and the supportive and caring neighbors around her. Source: https://kckps.org/about-us/reasons-to-believe/previous-reasons-to-believe-honorees/tina-medina-ph-d/

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:


1 gen 2011 anni
~ 13 years ago