June 15, 2024

4 gen 1698 anni - Peter and the Streltsy


This refers to the massive disbanding, executions, and cruel punishments that were enforced upon the Streltsy by Peter the Great from June to July of 1698. The streltsy was an elite military unit stationed in Moscow and had revolted against Peter’s authority. He then proceeded to tear down the revolt in a savage manner. The account in the source reveals Peter’s tyrannical anger. “Tell me Francis, how can I reach Moscow by the shortest way, in a brief space, so that I may wreak vengeance on this great perfidy of my people, with punishments worthy of their abominable crime”. This is a great example of how absolutism played a role in how Peter the Great ruled in Russia and how absolutism was a prominent fashion of rule during the time.

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:


4 gen 1698 anni
~ 326 years ago