June 15, 2024

1 gen 91 anni a. C. - Social War Begins


The Social War (properly War of the Allies, from Latin Bellum Sociale), also called the Italian or Marsic War, was waged from 91 to 88 BC between the Roman Republic and other cities and tribes in Italy which had hitherto been allies (socii) of Rome for centuries. The Italian allies wanted Roman citizenship, and the power, influence and the right to vote at Rome itself that came with it. They believed that they should be treated equal to the Romans, because of their cultural, linguistic and historical ties, and also because they had been fighting alongside Romans for over two hundred years and had been mostly loyal allies. The Romans strongly opposed their demands and refused to grant them citizenship, thus leaving the Italian groups with fewer rights and privileges. This led to a devastating war, which lasted three years and caused many casualties. The war eventually resulted in a Roman victory. However, Rome granted Roman citizenship to all of its Italian allies, to avoid another costly war.

This war also led to a complete Romanization of Italy. The Etruscans and the Italic peoples quickly integrated themselves into the Roman world, after gaining Roman citizenship. Their own languages and cultures became extinct in the process, and the term "Roman" came to refer to all inhabitants of Italy. The Romans did not consider Sicily, Sardinia and Corsica part of Italy during this period. Cisalpine Gaul was also not considered Italian territory until 42 BC, when it was merged into Roman Italy as indicated in Caesar's unpublished acts.

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:


1 gen 91 anni a. C.
~ 2116 years ago
