June 15, 2024

1 gen 1881 anni - France Annexes Tunisia


In northwest Tunisia, the Khroumir tribe episodically launched raids into the surrounding countryside. In the spring of 1881, they raided across the border into French Algeria. France responded by invading Tunisia, sending an army of about 36,000. Their advance to Tunis was rapidly executed. The Bey was soon compelled to come to terms with the French occupation of the country, in the first of a series of treaties. These documents provided that the Bey continue as head of state, but with the French given effective control over a great deal of Tunisian governance, in the form of a protectorate.

With her own substantial interests in Tunisia, Italy protested but would not risk a confrontation with France. Hence Tunisia officially became a French protectorate on May 12, 1881, when the ruling Sadik Bey (1859–1882) signed the Treaty of Bardo (Al Qasr as Sa'id). Later in 1883 his younger brother and successor 'Ali Bey signed the al-Marsa Convention.

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:


1 gen 1881 anni
~ 143 years ago
