June 15, 2024

25 apr 480 anni - Julius Nepos Murdered


Around AD 480, whilst plotting a campaign to restore his authority in Italy, Nepos was murdered by two retainers. Guy Halsall states this was at the 'instigation of the Bishop of Salona, that same Glycerius whom Nepos had deposed and driven into the church six years previously'. Odoacer then took over Dalmatia. However, there is a debate surrounding the assassination of Nepos. Another theory proposed by historians is that Nepos was murdered by one of his own soldiers in AD 480, on either 25 April, 9 May, or 22 June. He was reportedly stabbed in his villa near Salona. Since Diocletian also had a residence in the area, it is presumed to have taken place in his ancient palace. Marcellinus Comes blames "the treachery of his comes Viator and Ovida" for the murder. Malchus also implicates the former Emperor Glycerius in the conspiracy because, as Nepos had appointed Glycerius as Bishop of Salona, he was in the vicinity of the murder. Adding to the suspicions of Glycerius is a report that Odoacer later made him Bishop of Milan.

Ovida served as the next ruler of Dalmatia for a few months, but Odoacer used Nepos' assassination as a pretext to invade. Odoacer defeated Ovida's forces on 9 December and added the province to his kingdom. After Nepos' death, Zeno became the only emperor of the Roman empire and ending the last serious legal claim of a separate Western Roman Empire until the reign of Charlemagne.

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:


25 apr 480 anni
~ 1545 years ago