July 1, 2024

21 lugl 1995 anni - Virtual Boy release


Price: the equivalent of US $300 in 2018
Units sold: 770,000

The Virtual Boy is a 32-bit tabletop portable video game console developed and manufactured by Nintendo. Released in 1995, it was marketed as the first console capable of displaying stereoscopic "3D" graphics. The player uses the console like a head-mounted display, placing their head against the eyepiece to see a red monochrome display. The games use a parallax effect to create the illusion of depth. Sales failed to meet targets, and by early 1996, Nintendo ceased distribution and game development, having released only 22 games for the system.

Development of the Virtual Boy lasted four years and began under the project name VR32. Nintendo entered a licensing agreement to use a "3D" LED eyepiece technology developed by US company Reflection Technology. It also built a factory in China to be used only for Virtual Boy manufacturing. Over the course of development, the console technology was downscaled due to high costs and potential health concerns, and an increasing amount of resources were reallocated to the development of the Nintendo 64, Nintendo's next home console. The Virtual Boy was pushed to market in an unfinished state in 1995 to focus on the Nintendo 64.

The Virtual Boy was panned by critics and was a commercial failure, even after repeated price drops. Its failure has been attributed to its high price, monochrome display, unimpressive "3D" effect, lack of true portability, and health concerns. Stereoscopic technology in video game consoles reemerged in later years to more success, including Nintendo's 3DS handheld console. The Virtual Boy is Nintendo's second-lowest-selling platform after the 64DD.

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:


21 lugl 1995 anni
~ 28 years ago
