July 1, 2024

12 ore 2 marzo 2020 anni - 3/2 韩国教堂领袖下跪祈求宽恕 Kneeling, Korea’s Sect Leader Seeks Forgiveness for Virus Spike


The leader of a religious sect that has been at the epicenter of a sudden surge in South Korea’s coronavirus infections knelt and then bowed before a throng of TV cameras and reporters before asking for forgiveness for unintentionally spreading the virus.

In the leader’s first public appearance since the outbreak that has claimed 22 lives and infected more than 4,300 people, Lee Man-hee said it was “not the time for casting blame on anyone,” adding that his religious organization was “fully” cooperating with health authorities.

The 88-year-old leader spoke behind a makeshift desk that had been placed in front of massive wooden doors of a palace-like building, claiming that government officials denied request to hold the press conference inside the complex. Lee had to pause sporadically to talk over heckling protesters screaming his name and swearing through loudspeakers nearby.

Lee Man-hee bows during a press conference at a facility of the church in Gapyeong on March 2.Photographer: -/Pool/AFP via Getty Images
“We’ve opened up the list of names of our believers and agreed for a full-out investigation,” Lee said. “Our believers of our church are like children; what kind of parent will sit still when such a scary disease that brings death is going around?”

Lee, who wore a white mask and fogged glasses, stood up in the middle of his speech to make his way next to the desk before kneeling and bowing his head to the ground over clasped hands, a significant gesture of contrition in Korean custom.

relates to Kneeling, Korea’s Sect Leader Seeks Forgiveness for Virus Spike
“I don’t know how this happened, but we will make utmost of efforts, and we are aware that we were wrong,” Lee said. “We thank the government for making efforts when what we had tried to stop the coronavirus spread wasn’t enough.”

Earlier on Monday, South Korea’s Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said about 57% of all patients infected with the novel coronavirus were affiliated with the religion that Lee founded. The Seoul Metropolitan Government has formally asked prosecutors to investigate Lee and other leaders of the sect on charges of murder and negligence in not doing enough to stop the spread of the virus.

Read more: In South Korea, Opaque Sect Draws Scrutiny With Virus Spike (2)

Coronavirus cases surged after the 31st patient was found to have attended two worship services where at least 1,000 members were in attendance. Since the confirmation of the 31st infection Feb. 17, the number of cases have spiked to more than 4,300 cases, majority of them in the Daegu area where the church is based.

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:


12 ore 2 marzo 2020 anni
~ 4 years and 3 months ago
