June 15, 2024

27 magg 2002 anni - Study shows 78,000 homes built in Auckland in last decade


A snapshot of Auckland's growth shows 78,000 homes were built in the last 10 years - an investment of $10.5 billion.

They were on average 40 sq m bigger than those built in the decade before, despite four out of 10 new dwellings being either flats, apartments or townhouses.

The Auckland Regional Council studied building consents from 1991 to 2001 to check on the extent of growth and where it was happening.

It found the fastest-growing housing area was southern Howick, with 5815 house consents, followed by Albany with 1826, Manurewa southwest, 1778, and Manurewa, 1739.

The Auckland Central Business District had only 127 new residential consents, but they were high-density projects and accounted for 3850 dwelling units.

Since 1991, more than half of residential growth occurred in existing urban areas, as opposed to the new outer suburban areas.

ARC strategic analyst David Lindsey said the city was "intensifying", even without specific policies to influence this.

Gwen Bull, chairwoman of both the ARC and the Regional Growth Forum, said: "The market is finding a way to put more buildings within existing urban areas."

The ARC would ensure that higher-density housing took account of good urban design, and issues such as privacy and noise reduction.

Multiple dwelling units doubled in a decade to more than 40 per cent of new homes.

Sizes of single-unit homes rose from 130 sq m to 200 sq m and that of multiple dwellings increased from 95 sq m to 130 sq m.

The 7800 commercial buildings doubled the total for the previous decade, representing an investment of $3.5 billion.

About 40 per cent of all building consents issued nationally are in the Auckland region.

Auckland building consents were 20 per cent up for the year ended April.

Source: 78,000 homes built in Auckland since 1991.
By Wayne Thompson.
310 words
27 May 2002
New Zealand Herald

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:


27 magg 2002 anni
~ 22 years ago