June 15, 2024

10 ore 18 giug 2004 anni - Bob, Hap and Ben explore the pharmacy, Hap is bitten and kills himself. (Descent)


- Day 335
- Bob and his team search through the looted shelves of the pharmacy. They can't find anything useful so Bob decides its time to take a look in the cellar. Ben disapproves of going to these lengths so some "nutcase housewife can get her meds". Bob thinks its best to get her stable for all their sake.
- Bob breaks the cellar's padlocks and the men descend the service ladders. Hap struggles to see through his eyeglasses and realises he shouldn't have insulted that young optometrist a month before the outbreak. Hap follows the sound of Bob's voice who looks through shelves of old medicine, probably expired around the Clinton administration.
- Bob excitedly spots something. Hap shuffles closer and the two stare at a door, wondering where it could possibly lead. Bob begins to chip away at the one-hundred year old brickwork with his hammer to get behind the door. The door suddenly gives in and something breaks through, sending dust everywhere. Hap is startled, too old to react quickly. At first he registers the thing as a raccoon as it crawls quickly along the floor. It clamps down on his ankle and pain shoots up Hap's leg.
- The biter barely looks human. It's gray and deteriorated from it's time spent behind the door and might have once been a child or dwarf. Bob shoots it in the head and rushes to Hap's side, trying to quickly help him out of here. Hap denies any help and knew he was going to get bit sooner or later. Bob is determined to help him while Ben reminds him that he needs to put Hap down. Bob puts his gun down and rips a part of his shirttail to make a tourniquet for Hap's leg.
- Hap grabs Bob's .375 revolver and ends his own life. Bob has no time to stop it and cradles Hap's limp body as his greasy blood pools out the back of his ruined head. Ben assures Bob that it was Hap's own choosing and he went out like a man. Bob believes he could have amputated it but there's nothing they could have done.
- They make a crude stretcher out of planks and tape to carry out Hap's body. Before they leave, Bob spits at the walker and notices beyond the door a long tunnel, hand built and stretching possibly for miles.

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:


10 ore 18 giug 2004 anni
~ 19 years ago
