June 15, 2024

2 agos 1990 anni - Bob Stookey fights as an army medic in Afghanistan for two weeks. (The Road to Woodbury - Mentioned) (The Fall of the Governor: Part 1 - Mentioned) (Issue 43 - Mentioned) (The Fall of the Governor: Part 2 - Mentioned) (Descent - Mentioned)


- Pre-Outbreak
- At the age of thirty-six Bob Stookey fights in the first Gulf War (codenamed Operation Desert Shield) in Afghanistan for two weeks.
- He was only given brief instructions how to be a medic, and didn't really heal any of the soldiers, only kept them breathing to fight more.
- In Kuwait, Bob saw a soldier choose the battlefront over a behind-the-lines job just so he could avoid the tight quarters of the Quonset hut office.
- Bob witnessed many horrors during his time such as soldiers bringing prostitutes into their truck, one of whom suicide bombed. Or a soldier he fought with named Bobby McCullam who was blown in half and thrown onto a bodies truck while still alive and screaming. He also delivered a baby who was unfortunately miscarried.
- After his time in the army, Bob descended into alcoholism and became a drunk.

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:


2 agos 1990 anni
~ 33 years ago
