June 15, 2024

23 ore 22 ottob 2003 anni - They find a station wagon in the forest and take all of the supplies. (Starved For Help)


- Day 95
- On the way back Carley/Doug apologises for leaving the motel unattended.
- Kenny and Lee talk about their choices in the meat locker. If Lee sided with Lilly then they'll fallout and decide it's best to avoid one another for now. If Lee sided with Kenny then he'll appreciate Lee's loyalty and regardless of whether Lee sided with him before (see day 3), he'll offer Lee a spot in the RV again.
- Clementine asks Lee why he killed the St. Johns if he did or if they're both dead if he spared them. Lee can assure her they were bad people and apologise that she had to witness everything or tell her that the walkers got them if they were spared.
- Duck hears a car engine nearby. The group hides and Lee and Kenny scout it out. They find an abandoned station wagon sitting idle with the doors open and keys still inside. Kenny looks in the trunk and finds a load of food and supplies inside. Lilly, Ben and Clementine are against taking it. Lee can choose to take the supplies or want no part in it. If Lee chooses to take the supplies then he'll give a red Brooklyn hoodie to Clementine and can convince her to wear it which she'll do for the rest of the season.
- Regardless of Lee's choice, Kenny, Katjaa, Duck and Carley/Doug agree to take the supplies. Everyone carries the boxes back to the motel.
- Carley/Doug gives Clementine some batteries for her walkie-talkie and some to Lee for the camcorder he found earlier. They'll turn it on and watch the recordings Jolene took of the group earlier (see day 94). Jolene wants to be Clementine's adoptive mother and assures her that as long as the bandits keep getting food from the dairy, she'll be safe.

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:


23 ore 22 ottob 2003 anni
~ 20 years ago
