June 15, 2024

17 ore 22 ottob 2003 anni - Lee and Danny raid an abandoned bandit camp, Jolene is killed. (Starved For Help)


- Day 95
- Lee and Danny look around in the woods for a while. Lee finds some empty cans and soon discovers the small bandit camp. They ready their rifles expecting a fight but realise the place is abandoned. Danny peeks inside a tent, seemingly excited of the thought of someone being here but realises it too is empty.
- They look around the camp for a bit trying to find any supplies in the numerous Dairy Farm and Save-Lots boxes. Lee finds a video camera but the batteries are dead. He takes a look inside the tent himself and finds that a child was involved with the bandits. After a little more searching Lee discovers Clementine's hat under a sleeping bag.
- Jolene arrives on the scene and starts waving her crossbow around at the two. At first she thinks Lee and Danny are from the Save-Lots and says she's not going back. Lee can question her where she'll optionally say it's safer here than at the dairy, the people who shot Mark aren't here, or explain how the bandits she was with took her daughter into the woods and wouldn't say where or why; so she killed them all and has been waiting for her girl to return ever since.
- Jolene threatens to shoot them through their eyes and exclaims that all men are monsters. At this point Lee can shoot Jolene to which Danny will be shocked. If he doesn't then she'll continue: Lee can ask where she got Clementine's hat to which she'll admit she stole it. She cryptically say "The crazy lady in the woods brings fresh meat to the farm!" to which Danny will demand she shut up.
- Jolene changes her mind and threatens to pin their testicles on a tree. If Lee once again chooses not to shoot her, she'll tell Danny to explain what he has in mind for Lee's group, however doesn't finish her sentence as Danny shoots her straight through the forehead. Lee can be shocked and pick up on the suspicious things she said.
- Danny doesn't seem bothered by the murder and states that it's 'a waste'. They gather their things and return to the farm.

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:


17 ore 22 ottob 2003 anni
~ 20 years ago
