June 15, 2024

15 ore 22 ottob 2003 anni - The Save-Lots Bandits attack, Mark is shot with an arrow. (Starved For Help)


- Day 95
- Lee and Mark talk about Larry as they walk around the perimeter, untangling any walkers trapped in the fence. They come across one with an arrow through it's neck. After knocking off some more, they come across one body which is badly tangled in a fallen fence post. They climb onto the other side and untangle it.
- Suddenly the fence turns back on. Mark and Lee are confused as Andy knows they're out here. Mark is then shot in the shoulder with an arrow and the two are attacked by the bandits believing them to be the St. Johns and insisting they had an arrangement. They use a tractor for cover to avoid the onslaught of arrows. After moving a few bodies which are in the way, they escape back to the farm.
- Andy and Danny are outraged that the bandits came on the property. The rest of the Motel group arrive with the exception of Carley/Doug and Ben who ate half the biscuits on the way there. Brenda takes Mark inside to treat his wound.
- The kids play on the swing Lee or Andy fixed. If Lee speaks to Clementine she'll ask him to push her on it which Lee can choose to do. The two will talk about Mark and the dairy.
- After walking around and talking to Kenny and Lilly, Lee visits Andy and Danny. They tell him about the bandits in the woods and how some of them are likely from the Save-Lots store not far from here. Danny asks Lee if he's ready to go scouting one of their camps for a bit of revenge. Lee agrees and they leave.

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:


15 ore 22 ottob 2003 anni
~ 20 years ago
