June 15, 2024

3 gen 1993 anni - Mosaic Launches: Welcome to the Information Age


- Mosaic is what started it all. As the web browser that popularized the World Wide Web, Mosaic served as a model to future web browsers, such as Internet Explorer and Netscape.

- Before Mosaic, the internet was difficult to use. To find information, one needed to know what to type in and how to navigate different programs. With Mosaic's point-and-click interface, anyone, without much difficulty, could access the internet.

- Mosaic led to the "information age," which we still live in today. With the power for anyone and everyone to contribute to the internet, the access to information became easy, and consequently, the amount of information increased drastically as well. Without this, its fair to say that we wouldn't have got where we are today in computer science, or really, any field that requires information.

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:


3 gen 1993 anni
~ 31 years ago