June 15, 2024

1 gen 2400 anni - The battle of Homestead


After a three month crossing of the void, the Europan fleet arrives in orbit above Ceres, the planetoid upon which Homestead is built. The reception they receive is mixed at best, while many see them as saviours, openly declaring their allegiance to Matriarch, far more view the arrival of the Velria corporate fleet as nothing more than an act of imperialist aggression, believing that in the wake of the conflict, should Velria win, the fleet would be used to pacify the colony and annex it under Jovian rule. Ironically, these fears are neither confirmed, nor denied, as aside from an initial declaration of intent sent from the Flagship Ammelia about the fleets intentions, there is no communication between Homestead and Velria what-so-ever. Scouts sent ahead of the Europan fleet return with reports that the Sol Proclamation has mobilised nearly every combat capable vessel from the core-world patrol fleet, outnumbering the Velria fleet on a scale of 2.3 to 1. Knowing that she will require unconventional tactics in order to defeat her enemy, Eloise orders the fleet to disperse into the asteroid belt along the path of the approaching fleet, seeking to use hit-and-run tactics to bleed the Sol Proclamation before bring her core forces to bear against them above Ceres. The tactic is untested, indeed, large-scale void-conflict is entirely unknown at this time, yet it proves to be highly effective; the smaller, faster, yet heavily armed ships of the Velria fleet incessantly striking like vipers as the Sol Proclamation closes on their target. The Sol Proclamation fleet, ham-strung by being forced to follow orders from Earth rather than allowing captains to follow their own instincts, suffers sever casualties as a result, losing nearly a third of their fleet to the wolf-pack tactics of Velria. By the time the fleet arrives above homestead, the Velria fleet faces it on an equal footing, and battle is joined. Though void-combat exercises are common for both sides, never have such numbers of ships clashed in open battle, and for both sides it is a desperate and vicious conflict: no stratagem is denied as both fleets tear each other apart. Though they still outnumber their opponents, the Sol Proclamation fleet is unable to match the sheer ferocity of Velria forces; the soldiers of Velria vilified by a chance to finally strike back against the rule of earth. At the height of the battle, the warship Ammelia comes alongside the alpha-class flagship Prometheus, both raking each other with broadsides in a near point-blank exchange. Casualties are horrific for both vessels, with Ammelia environmental systems becoming completely incapacitated; yet it is Prometheus that emerges the worsefor-wear: her gunnery decks shattered, her driveblock crippled, and her captain voided into space. After 7 hours of conflict, the remnants of the Sol Proclamation withdraw, unable, and unwilling to stand in the face of Velria's aggression. Those vessels unable to withdraw are boarded, their crews taken captive, and the vessels themselves stripped for parts before being dragged back to the Jovian System, there to be converted in monuments of Velrias victory. As silent as they arrived upon Homestead, the Velria fleet returns to Europa, leaving the colonist of Homestead enchanted and terrified of the awesome power of Velria. Word of the victory reaches every colony in the system, and within months system-wide rebellions are taking place, dozens of colonies beyond the core-worlds rejecting earth-rule and turning either to Velria, or themselves for guidance. Across the Sol System, the chains of the Sol Proclamation are shed and their dominion set to flames. With the Battle of Homestead, the Hyper-conflict is begun

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:


1 gen 2400 anni
~ 375 years and 0 months later
