June 15, 2024

1 gen 1979 anni - Southern Partisan Founded


A neo-confederate political magazine which was published in Columbia, South Carolina, United States. Founded in 1979, the magazine focused on its Southern region and those states that were formerly members of the Confederate States of America. Its first editor was Thomas Fleming. From 1999 to 2009 it was edited by Christopher Sullivan. After 2009 it ceased publication as a print edition and is now published only online. It has been called "arguably the most important neo-Confederate periodical" by the Southern Poverty Law Center.

The magazine generally espouses a pro-southern perspective on political issues and the American Civil War. The magazine features commentary on southern culture, history, literature, the Southern Agrarians, the Civil War and Confederacy, and current political issues. It carries a news section entitled "CSA Today" covering stories from each of the eleven former Confederate states, as well as Missouri and Kentucky, which the Confederate States claimed to have admitted.

The magazine is harshly critical of political correctness and highlights news events involving what it describes as "politically correct" policy-making, such as the removal of Confederate historical monuments. It also gives out a "Scalawag Award" in each issue to Southerners who act contrary to the magazine's editorial position.

Book reviews of current texts pertaining to all aspects of the southern United States appear in each issue, as do general political opinion pieces from conservative and libertarian perspectives. The magazine carries columns by syndicated opinion commentators including Walter Williams, William Murchison, Joseph Sobran, and Charley Reese.

Although the magazine is frequently found in the historical racks in mainstream bookstores, it can occasionally be found in the current events section. Its emphasis is also cultural and political. Its statement of purpose, stated at the top of its masthead in every issue, is taken from a letter written by Donald Davidson to Allen Tate in May 1927: "If there were a Southern magazine, intelligently conducted and aimed specifically, under the doctrine of provincialism, at renewing a certain sort of sectional consciousness and drawing separate groups of Southern thought together, something might be done to save the South."

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:


1 gen 1979 anni
~ 45 years ago