June 15, 2024

12 ore 19 marzo 2005 anni - Rick meets King Ezekiel, Dwight wants Negan dead. (Issue 108)


- Day 609
- Jesus explains to Rick that the Kingdom is part of the network with the Hilltop and the Saviors, though the Saviors are more of a tumour than a participant. The Kingdom is the biggest settlement aside from the Hilltop. Rick cringes at the name and Jesus states that he didn't name it. They're technically already there, they're just waiting on two patrolmen.
- The two armoured men on horseback spot the two and one asks who dares enter this land before realising it's Jesus and stopping the medieval talk. Jesus introduces them to Rick and asks for an audience with King Ezekiel.
- They approach the Kingdom, an old school now surrounded by a wall, with school buses parked as lookout rooms. They park their van outside the wall and follow the guards inside. The residents live inside during the winter and spread out to the surrounding tents when it warms up. King Ezekiel approaches the two and asks who the new ally is. Jesus introduces him to Rick and then notes how he forgot to tell Rick that Ezekiel owns a tiger who walks by his side.
- Meanwhile at Alexandria, Michonne and Andrea have lunch together. Michonne doesn't think she can go back to being a social butterfly after how much she's changed. And she's ashamed after approaching Heath last night (see day 608).
- Spencer enters Gabriel's church and asks for a moment on the altar. He prays for God to give him the strength to do what he knows must be done.
- Ezekiel shit talks Gregory, stating that he has more people than the Kingdom and Alexandria combined, but he's a coward. Ezekiel thanks Rick for the information he's provided and apologises for what Carl had to endure to get it (see day 601). Rick asks for the Kingdom's help in bringing down the Saviors which Ezekiel accepts. Ezekiel brings out another guest, Dwight, who states that he's never been in full support of Negan.
- Rick lashes out and insists that Dwight is lying to them. Dwight thought Rick was under Negan's spell like everyone else and didn't even know he knew about the Kingdom. Dwight thought Ezekiel was the only one with the balls to face Negan. Rick tries to explain to Ezekiel that Negan returned Carl, knowing he'd reveal information and it's more believable that he'd assume Rick knew about the Kingdom so he could send Dwight to catch him in the act rather than this guy suddenly changing sides. Dwight says that Negan has his wife and he's risking all kinds by just being here. Rick punches him which causes Shiva, Ezekiel's tiger to roar as she dislikes violence.
- Dwight explains that Negan's first wife, Sherry, Carl might have referred to her as 'the nice one', chose to be with Negan to improve both of their lives. She was later caught cheating on Negan with Dwight and so Negan burned the side of Dwight's face as punishment. After that Dwight was a good soldier, and never disobeyed Negan's orders. He insists that he'll tell them all of Negan's secrets, his weaknesses, he'll bring his head on a silver plate and at long last his rule will be over.
- Ezekiel is eager. Rick and Jesus are sceptical.

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:


12 ore 19 marzo 2005 anni
~ 19 years ago
