June 15, 2024

18 ore 12 marzo 2005 anni - Rick and a small group fight roamers while looking for Carl. (Issue 106)


- Day 602
- Rick, Andrea, Michonne and Nicholas fight a swarm of roamers while looking for Carl. Andrea wants them to turn back but Rick insists they continue fighting. They kill the swarm and Rick empties his pistol clip in the last roamer. They've been going out looking for Carl for the last few days, though Rick is playing it dumb as he knows Carl is likely with Negan, he's trying to find the Saviors.
- Spencer watches out the gate, annoyed that the safety of the community depends on the behaviour of Carl. Erin reminds Spencer that Rick's just looking for his son, she might have said about two words to the man but believes God himself has brought him to their community. She thinks Spencer has gotten more critical since Rick 'stole his girlfriend'. Spencer says Andrea wasn't his girlfriend which Erin claims must have made it that much more painful. She takes the two boys she's babysitting back home.
- Eric thinks he and Aaron are better off on their own, outside the community. Aaron knows Rick is spending every waking hour trying to protect his son and this community and they owe him to help. Eric thinks they should prepare for it, in case the day comes. Aaron reminds Eric that he was stabbed the last time they went out for a long period (see day 471). Eric says he was stabbed while trying to find people, but they wouldn't be doing that. Aaron says that being on the road was exciting, however only bearable because he knew they were coming back to the community eventually. Aaron wants to follow Rick's dream of reestablishing civilisation which Eric thinks is a pipe dream. Aaron comments on how he only feels safe in Eric's arms and the two make up.

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:


18 ore 12 marzo 2005 anni
~ 19 years ago
