June 15, 2024

18 ore 30 min, 11 marzo 2005 anni - Amber cheated on Negan, Negan and Carl talk. (Issue 105)


- Day 601
- Negan and Carl arrive at the top floor of the Sanctuary and go inside Negan's room. Inside, five women all wearing lingerie lounge around the room. Sherry comforts Amber and tells Negan to go easy on her when he enters. Negan tells Carl that every woman in Alexandria dresses like an elderly lesbian and gives him permission to look at their titties.
- Sherry tells Negan that Amber made a mistake and the transition to becoming his wife isn't easy on them. He makes her step aside and kneels down by Amber. He reminds her that being his wife is voluntary and she can forfeit her privileges and go back to being with Mark and working for points, but she can't cheat on him. Negan asks her if she wants to stay. Amber starts to cry and tells Negan she loves him. Negan tells Sherry to find Carson and tell him to prepare 'the Iron'.
- Negan and Carl enter Negan's bedroom. Negan explains to Carl that they're all his wives because he's always wanted to have sex with several women at once. Carl kind of knows what sex stuff is but Negan refuses to explain that. They sit down and Negan complements Carl on being so smart by not wandering off or trying to escape. He explains that he needs to be punished for killing six men but before he continues he orders Carl to take off his bandage because "it's like talking to a birthday present". Carl refuses but reluctantly complies when Negan tells him to. Negan is amazed and tells him his eye looks disgusting, there's exposed bone and everything. He excitedly asks if he can touch it before stopping himself as Carl begins to cry. Negan sombrely apologises for upsetting him and says that it's easy to forget he's just a kid.
- A Savior enters and returns Lucille to Negan. Negan tells Carl he looks rad and to keep the bandage off. He takes Lucille and asks the Savior if he ate her pussy like a lady before joking that baseball bats don't have pussies and ordering the man to get the fuck out.
- Negan tells Carl to sing him a song as punishment. Carl reluctantly starts singing 'You Are My Sunshine' while Negan dances with Lucille. Carl begins to cry and Negan tells him he's pretty good. He asks if Carl's mother used to sing him that and asks where she is now before realising she's probably dead (see day 331). Carson arrives and informs Negan that the Iron is ready.

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:


18 ore 30 min, 11 marzo 2005 anni
~ 19 years ago
