June 15, 2024

18 ore 11 marzo 2005 anni - They arrive at the Sanctuary, Jesus escapes, Carl murders six Saviors. (Issue 104) (Issue 105)


- Day 601
- They arrive at the Sanctuary. A large factory surrounded by chained up and impaled roamers. Dwight tells Jesus to keep his arms inside the truck before realising that he has escaped his restraints and is gone. The two men agree to not say a word about this to Negan.
- They pull up to the factory and shortly behind them, Negan's lorry follows. Negan asks if he's seeing a ghost to which Dwight comments that reports of his death were greatly exaggerated. Negan says there'll always be a next time. He orders his men to hurry up and load everything inside before it gets dark, because he wants to have sex with at least one of his wives tonight. Dwight gives him a dirty look.
- Two Saviors talk about getting the mattresses. One spots Carl in the back of the vehicle and they're quickly shot to bits using Abraham's machine gun. Carl steps out and claims he only wants Negan, nobody else has to die. Negan tells Carl he's adorable and comments on how the gun is almost twice his size. Carl goes to shoot Negan but misses and kills another four people. The recoil causes the gun to fly out his hands, Dwight rushes over and starts kicking the boy for what he's done. Negan orders him to stop, because that's no way to treat their new guest.
- Negan tells his men to burn the dead and they'll unload the truck tomorrow. He doesn't think he's going to be able to fuck even one wife tonight. Carl asks Negan what he's going to do to him. Negan tells him he's a badass and not to be scared of him because that's just disappointing. They enter the Sanctuary and an elderly Savior welcomes Negan back. He tells Negan that Molly still has the cough and asks what kind of medicine they got on this run. Negan says all kinds of good stuff and that this man should have enough points to get the first pick. Harlan Carson's brother tells Negan that there's been a situation. Negan asks if this is about Amber which it is, he tells Carson to find Mark but just keep tabs on him, upon Negan's arrival, all the workers bow down to their leader.

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:


18 ore 11 marzo 2005 anni
~ 19 years ago
