June 15, 2024

6 nov 2018 anni - Amendment A


An Amendment to Section II Article 26 of Colorado's constitution so that it "prohibits slavery and involuntary servitude in all circumstances by repealing the existing exception to the prohibition. The resolution also
clarifies in a nonconstitutional legislative declaration that the purpose of the proposed constitutional amendment is not to disallow opportunities for persons convicted of crimes to work but instead to merely prohibit compulsory labor from such individuals"

Previously, Section II Article 26 was in effect Identical to the US Constitutions' 13th Amendment, which outlaws slavery "except as a punishment for crime." On Tuesday, November 6, 2018, Coloradans voted 65% in favor of Amendment A, clearing the 55 percent required to pass an amendment.

This was the second time Colorado voters have considered the issue. A similar measure was offered in 2016, but the language on that year's ballot was deemed too convoluted. Some voters said they weren't sure whether a "yes" or "no" vote meant they were for or against striking the exception clause.

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:


6 nov 2018 anni
~ 5 years and 7 months ago