June 15, 2024

13 ore 27 min, 25 ottob 2019 anni - The Covenant of Richmond is Formed


On October 25, 2019, An ununified group of young men gathered together in order to organize a treaty amongst themselves. The act of the joining of group members came to notice as soon as the leading organizer, Jacob Dittmer, declared his speech in front of many bystanders to the signing. Talk about an official forming of a nation was only minimal for the past weeks. However, the group of boys decided to take action against a growing epidemic of lower class citizens joining the party. So it was because of Jacob Dittmer did the epidemic shrink dramatically after the treaty was signed.
As of October 25, 2019, the Covenant of Richmond became the first official nation to be recognized by large organizations and to have taken action of growing troubles within familiar lands. The men who signed the paper were Jacob Dittmer, Jack Stifter, David Goodman, Diego Black, Jude McDonough, JT Lopez, Luke Doss, Christopher O’Rourke, Logan Lim, Reed Cabral, and Gio Cozetto. Jacob Dittmer was elected as President of the Covenant on October 25, 2019. JT Lopez was elected as Vice President of the Covenant on October 25, 2019. Jack Stifter was elected as Military General on October 25, 2019. Christopher O’Rourke was elected as FBI Director on October 25, 2019. Jude Mcdonough was elected as CIA Director on October 25, 2019. Luke Doss was elected as Homeland Security Officer on October 25, 2019. Logan Lim was elected as Secretary of Defense on October 25, 2019.

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:


13 ore 27 min, 25 ottob 2019 anni
~ 4 years and 7 months ago
