June 15, 2024

5 ore 4 marzo 2005 anni - The traumatised survivors carry on to the Hilltop. (Issue 101)


- Day 594
- After the Saviors leave, the group sits there for a moment in silence. Maggie punches Rick in the face for allowing Glenn to be killed and making the decision to fight the Saviors in the first place. Carl points his gun at her and Rick orders him to put it down. Sophia jumps on Carl to stop him and bites his arm. Heath restrains Sophia. Rick says they can't stay here.
- Maggie wants to carry on to the Hilltop and live there because that's what Glenn would have wanted. She also wants to bury him there. Rick tries to apologise but she doesn't want to hear it. They wrap Glenn up in blankets. Sophia asks Carl if he was going to shoot Maggie. He says he wasn't and that he's sorry about Glenn. Sophia thinks she's the reason her family dies but Carl says it's just the way it is.

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:


5 ore 4 marzo 2005 anni
~ 19 years ago
