June 15, 2024

6 ore 1 marzo 2005 anni - Abraham is killed, Eugene is captured by the Saviors. (Issue 97) (Issue 98)


- Day 591
- Abraham doesn't want to go out so early in the morning but Eugene insists he promised to go out as soon as Rick returned. The place is bearly four miles away so they'll be back before lunch. And besides, Eugene has Abraham protecting him so what could go wrong?
- A group of four Saviors wait around a corner, ready to strike.
- Abraham asks why they're not driving. Eugene says the equipment won't fit in any vehicle they own and all work will have to be done on site anyway. Abraham comments on how Eugene has lost weight for Rosita. Eugene doesn't think she'll ever look at him in that way, but he's cared about her since they met. Abraham jokes about how Eugene would watch as they had sex (see day 411), Eugene asks not to be reminded and says loneliness will make you do creepy things. Eugene apologises for making it seem like him and Rosita were together yesterday because they're clearly not. Abraham says he's not going to get in the way of them, hell he still has feelings himself, but his feelings just mean he wants her to be happy rather than be with her.
- Mid conversation, Abraham is shot through his right eye with a bolt. He continues talking as if nothing has happened before collapsing dead on the floor. Eugene freaks out and is held at gunpoint by the four Saviors, lead by Dwight (see day 78) who now bears a severe burn mark on his left face.
- Dwight applies an eye drop to his left eye due to his inability to blink and asks Eugene to answer for himself after they killed the other Saviors (see day 589). David figures out that Eugene isn't important and so they use him as bait.

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:


6 ore 1 marzo 2005 anni
~ 19 years ago
