June 15, 2024

12 ore 24 feb 2005 anni - Rick checks on Jesus, Andrea doesn't see any threats, Eugene asks out Rosita. (Issue 93)


- Day 586
- Rick checks up on Jesus who is tied up in the infirmary. Jesus says he does this job because he can handle it well and doesn't take things personally. He knows they're just being cautious and don't have much of a reason to believe him. He just doesn't want to piss himself. Rick asks how close his group is and when they plan to attack. Jesus reiterates that they're twenty miles away and don't attack people. Rick doesn't believe him.
- Rick checks on Andrea in the bell tower. She spots a few roamers but no large groups or gathering armies as far as she can see. Rick tells her Jesus spoke clearly and confidently, like a guilty man. Because usually innocent men are climbing up the walls and unable to relax. He thinks that maybe a group is avoiding her line of sight or they're not looking hard enough.
- Rosita asks Eugene what he's so excited about. He tells her that he's got a plan to replenish their ammunition and has found a nearby place in a phone book. Abraham is going to be taking him there. Rosita asks if Holly is going too, Eugene tells her to stop thinking of Abraham because he never cared for her the way she did about him. Or the way Eugene does for her. He asks her to give him one chance because he knows what she likes but she turns him down.

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:


12 ore 24 feb 2005 anni
~ 19 years ago
