June 15, 2024

7 ore 1 min, 2 nov 2004 anni - Spencer almost dies but they manage to get across to Andrea. (Issue 81)


- Day 472
- Maggie and Denise are mad at Glenn and Heath but both understand. While packing supplies, Spencer asks if they're going to need it all which they likely will.
- Heath uses the rope and a hook to latch onto a nearby building. Rick realises he never even started his patrol and now Jessie is probably wondering where he is. Heath secures the rope and they wrap their side around the chimney of the house they're standing on. Heath hugs goodbye to Denise and Glenn tells Maggie and Sophia not to worry about him or cry. Spencer tells Rick to tell his father not to worry about him.
- Rick asks Glenn what his plan is for when he gets across. Glenn tells him that they're going to figure out a way to attract the roamers away from the walls. They don't have an exact plan yet but they'll figure something out together.
- Heath and Glenn climb across the rope first. It starts to sag in the middle but they have no time to go back and just have to continue forward. A roamer grabs Glenn's backpack but doesn't have a good enough grip and lets go. After they make it across, Spencer starts to climb across as well. Just before he makes it, the rope snaps and he plummets down to the ground while clinging on. Heath and Glenn struggle to pull him up as the roamers approach and surround Spencer. Andrea quickly arrives from behind and helps the others pull Spencer up to safety. Spencer makes it to the top, winded and missing a shoe.

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:


7 ore 1 min, 2 nov 2004 anni
~ 19 years ago
