June 15, 2024

3 ore 2 nov 2004 anni - Rick and Jessie finish, one of the wall panels comes loose. (Issue 81)


- Day 472
- Michonne and Morgan finish having sex. Morgan proudly claims that he doesn't feel guilty and thinks he finally deserves to be happy. Michonne gets pissed and tells him the way he thinks is insulting. She loved Tyreese but his head was hacked off with her own sword (see day 331), and Morgan's son died, but they're alive right now which is all that matters and they need to just move on. She goes to get a glass of water.
- Rick and Jessie finish having sex. As Rick is getting dressed, Jessie thinks of herself as a horrible person for doing what she just did with Rick so soon after Pete's death. She also worries that Ron might have heard. Rick tells her that nobody heard and he certainly doesn't think she's horrible. Rick asks her if she's going to be ok here and leaves for his patrol. As he leaves he spots the telephone in one of the rooms. He then tells himself that Lori isn't even real and carries on.
- Abraham hurries over to Rick as soon as he walks outside and brings him over to the wall where Tobin stands against a loose barricade. Abraham explains that the walls are made from I-beams driven into the ground with the panels bolted onto the beams. At some point they ran out of cement to fill in the holes and started using dirt instead, which seemed sturdy while they were making them. Tobin then explains that they made do with what they had but the walls will hold. Rick sees that they're not. Tobin lets go of the wall and it stays in place, it's just sagging.
- Rick orders Tobin to grab his pickup truck and park it in front of the panel. He wants every section of the wall that isn't secured to be marked and monitored. Glenn tells Rick that he may have an idea for getting the roamers off the wall.
- Glenn wants to get food and supplies to Andrea because she's already gone one night without them. While they're out there they could hatch a plan to draw some of the roamers away. Rick is up for it. Glenn is going to ask Heath for ideas when he's up. He asks Rick why he didn't bring Carl over last night. Rick explains that Jessie and Ron came over so he left Carl with them. Glenn doesn't quite know everyone yet but then quickly remembers that Jessie is Pete's widow and asks if Carl is safe with her. Rick assures him that Carl will be fine and he knows Jessie well.
- Spencer shows up early with Heath's mountain climbing rope. He wants to use it to get supplies to Andrea.

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:


3 ore 2 nov 2004 anni
~ 19 years ago
