June 15, 2024

13 ore 1 nov 2004 anni - Aaron resigns as a recruiter and lectures Douglas. (Issue 79)


- Day 471
- Maggie and Sophie tend to their horse. Aaron approaches and apologises for losing Buttons. Maggie says it's fine as she knows what happened with Eric but the horses need wide open spaces anyway, not backyards for weeks on end. She hopes that the woman who took Buttons looks after her.
- Rick brings some food over to Jessie and Ron's house. He was going to bring Carl but he just wanted to read. Jessie says Ron isn't dealing with his father's death well but what Rick said at the funeral has really helped and was very kind. Rick says it was the honest truth as he sees it.
- Aaron goes into Douglas' unlit house to check on him because people were worried and the door was left open. He finds Douglas staring out his window as it begins to snow. Aaron asks if he put Rick in charge to which Douglas responds by saying "what does it matter?". He goes on to tell Aaron that Regina has died and that they're no safer here than outside the walls. Maybe with Rick they stand a chance.
- Aaron agrees that Rick's group might know better than all of them but disagrees with the idea that the community is a sham. He's aware of it's flaws but believes it as a shining beacon in a wasteland. He then tells Douglas that he's never leaving the walls again. Ages ago, he and Douglas spoke about how at some point there will be nobody left to recruit. That time is now. Aaron doesn't believe that they'll run into another group like Rick's, or at least one that isn't crazy or dangerous. Douglas says they need people to help expand but Aaron assures him that there's enough room already. Aaron asks what's wrong with him and Douglas furiously reminds him that he just lost his wife.
- Regina was such a good woman, but he treated her like shit. She would put up with him trying to fuck any girl who wasn't already taken. Douglas tells Aaron that more than anything, he's just scared. Scared of dying and terrified of what is and isn't out there. It never occurred to him how insecure they are.
- They suddenly hear a warning shot from Andrea and get up.

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:


13 ore 1 nov 2004 anni
~ 19 years ago
