June 15, 2024

16 ore 59 min, 29 ottob 2004 anni - Michonne drops Carl off at Maggie's, Douglas tells Rick about Davidson. (Issue 76)


- Day 468
- The group of thugs lead by Derek hear Glenn and Heath's motorcycles nearby and go to investigate.
- Michonne drops Carl off at Maggie's house to stay the night. She tells Maggie that she fears Rick has lost it.
- Denise tends to Pete's wounds after the fight. Douglas asks Rick what he's going to do with him. He closes the door and tells Rick that his best friend in Washington was a security liaison for a house. He knew about Alexandria and that it was set to run on solar power and stocked with almost a year worth of goods. His name was Alexander Davidson.
- After fighting his way out of the city, Douglas explains that it was a relief arriving at the community. It had everything but the wall, and so they found a nearby construction site and began work. That time was when they lost the most people. Olivia and Tobin remember as they were here from the start.
- He goes to to say that Davidson, being their leader was in a position to keep people safe. Instead he asked women for sex in exchange for protection. Douglas didn't know this until after Beth killed herself. Knowing that Davidson had to go, Douglas burned a walker body double and exiled him from the community where he died later on. Douglas murdered his best friend. And so he asks Rick to not make him murder him too.
- Before he can leave, Rick tells Douglas about Shane. How Shane was the de facto leader at the start and had an affair with Lori. Shane started making bad decisions for the group and ultimately cracked and attempted to kill Rick. Douglas asks if Rick killed his best friend too. But Carl did it for him (see day 158).

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:


16 ore 59 min, 29 ottob 2004 anni
~ 19 years ago
