June 15, 2024

28 feb 1933 anni - Establishing the dictatorial Nazi regime.


As early as February 1933, the process of making the regime in Germany began dictatorial. Herman Goering was named Prussia's interior minister, making him the first of many party members to be appointed to a public office. In the following years, most of the state apparatus was occupied by Nazis. In February, the first emergency regulation was issued by many "for the protection of the German people". The regulation empowered the interior minister to ban assemblies and publications that could jeopardize state security.
On February 28, he joined the "Emergency Law to Protect the Nation from Communist Dangerous Violence." The excuse for the law was that it was the Communists who set fire to the Reichstag building the day before. Many people believe that the Reichstag building was set on fire by the Nazis themselves. The law abolished civil basic freedoms and formed the basis of Hitler's only regime. He took on more authority and led a "police state" in which the individual had no protection. In addition, the German government was given authority to bypass the governments of the various states in Germany and thus began the destruction of the federal structure that prevailed there. It's all said to be defending against the Communists.

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:

16 nov 2019


28 feb 1933 anni
~ 91 years ago