June 15, 2024

14 gen 1490 anni - 1490 Aldus MANUTIUS established his press in VENICE


commanding figure in the typography of the late 15th century was Aldus Manutius, who also was in Venice. Manutius established his business around 1490 and, by 1495, was issuing a series of Greek texts which were notable more for their editorial authority than for their typographical excellence. Manutius was his own editor. His type designer and cutter was Francesco Griffo of Bologna, who made two major contributions: he drew on pre-Caroline scripts as the inspiration for a more authentic roman type that soon displaced the Jenson version; and, for what was to become the most important series of books in its time, he cut the first example of the cursive type now known as italic. It was, in the opinion of some critics, not a very good italic face, and it has been described as more a slanted roman than an italic. Nevertheless, it was the first of a new family of typefaces.

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:


14 gen 1490 anni
~ 534 years ago