June 15, 2024

1 gen 1600 anni - 1600 - [7] │ NARVÁEZ PACHECO Luis de │ Libro de las Grandezas de la Espada


Famoso libro de teórica compuesto por D. Luis Pacheco de Narváez. De lo que toca a la ciencia de las Armas como se sigue

Famous theoretical book composed by D. Luis Pacheco de Narváez. From what concerns the science of Weapons as follows

* It is a handwritten copy of "Libro de las grandezas de la espada" from which it even reproduces the illustrations. (Valle 2023)

De la verdadera Destreza

Of verdadera Destreza

** It is titled "Manual de esgrima" in a note attached to the beginning that seems later. In the numbered folios it includes many parts of "Libro de las grandezas de la espada", even reproducing the illustrations of the printed version, it has unnumbered blank pages interspersed where text is missing to complete. (Valle 2023)

Summa de las grandezas de la espada, sacadas del libro que compuso don Luis Pacheco de Narváez, cuyo primer autor fue el Comendador D. Luis Geronimo de Carranza.

Summa of the greatness of the sword, taken from the book composed by Don Luis Pacheco de Narváez, whose first author was Commander D. Luis Geronimo de Carranza.

Libro de las grandezas de la espada en que se declaran muchos secretos del que compuso el Comendador Geronimo de Carrança. En el cual cada uno se podrá licionar, y deprender a solas, sin tener necesidad de Maestro que le enseñe. Dirigido a don Felipe. III. Rey de las Españas, y de la mayor parte del mundo, nuestro señor. Compuesto por don Luis Pacheco de Narváez, natural de la ciudad de Baeça, y vecino en la isla de gran Canaria, y Sargento mayor de la de Lançarote. Con privilegio

Book of the greatness of the sword in which many secrets of the one composed by Commander Geronimo de Carrança are declared. In which each one will be able to learn and learn alone, without needing a Master to teach them. Addressed to Don Felipe. III. King of the Spains, and of most of the world, our Lord. Composed by Mr. Luis Pacheco de Narváez, a native of the city of Baeça, and a resident on the island of Gran Canaria, and Sergeant Major of Lançarote. with privilege

II Edition by Imprenta del licenciado Várez de Castro (Herederos de Juan Iñiguez de Lequerica)

III Editions by herederos de Iuā Iñiguez de Lequerica

Maldonado (1677), mentions a "1608 Edition"
- Valle 2023

Valle 2023, 362/63/64/76/77/78
Pardoel 2005, 1892.01
Vigeant 1882, 99
Gelli 1895, 219;
Thimm 1896, 202;
Donnell 1926, 148;
Salvá 1963, 2654;
NUC 1968 (vol. 436), 604;
Palau 1977 (vol. 12), 145 (208246);
Levi-Gelli 1903; 127;
BLGC 1979 (vol. 245), 28;
INEF 1989, 116 (679);
CONI 1995, 62 (41);
K.U. Leuven 1998, 75 (18)
Almirante 1876, p.589;
Bodemer 2008, p.339
Castle 1989, p.xx;
Cejador 1933, t.IV-p.200;
Chauchadis 1997, p.263;
Clemente 961, 962, 963, 964;
Delgado 1996, 419;
Diana 1851, p.374;
GabrielSanchez 1880, p.83;
Gistau 1917, p.127;
Granata 1980, 300;
Hergsell 1896, p.269;
Huerta 1787, p.102;
Laiglesia 1889, (3406) p.181;
Leguina 1891, (141);
Maldonado 1677, f.99v.;
Nagy 1987, p.13, p.14;
Navarrete 1851, t.2-p.372;
Palau 1977, 208246;
Pezzi 1905, 3406;
Romana 1865, p.74;
Sanchez-Melgar 1907, p.819;
Simon 1950, VII-5244, XVI-3353, XVI-3354;
Soto 1858, II;
Valladares 1999, B.I.1.A-B y 2;
Vigeant 1882, p.99;
Vindel 1822, 283;
Vindel 1827, 1190;
Vindel 1829, 1178;
Vindel 1830, 657;
Vindel 1901, A 2;
Vindel 1910, 183, 184;
Vindel 1913, 2123;
Vindel 1914, 89;
VindelF 1904, l 2046, 2047, 2048;
Wilkinson 2015, 14097;
CCPB 278-X, 20965-1, 210911-5, 000958508-7;

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:


1 gen 1600 anni
~ 424 years ago
