April 1, 2024

5 sett 1774 anni - First Continental Congress


Following the unjust Coercive Acts, the people held the First Continental Congress in Philadelphia, from the fifth of September to the twenty-sixth of October in 1774. This time, all colonies were represented by democratically elected officials except Britain. All of the colonists wanted unity, but had different goals. For example, New York wanted to reach a resolve with England, while other colonies wanted separation entirely. The colonists first had to reach a way of uniting the colonies, which had always been sovereign bodies, and were reluctant to give up any power. Many wanted a colonial version of Parliament, complete with a crown appointed official to head it, but this plan was ultimately rejected. However, a pact was made for the boycotting of British goods, along with increased communication and unity in the colonies in relation to resisting the mother country. This was to last until Britain rescinded the acts, or the Congress was to meet again in a year.

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:


5 sett 1774 anni
~ 249 years ago
