June 15, 2024

1 gen 1606 anni - 1606 - [5] │ GIGANTI Nicoletto │ Scola ovvero Teatro ...


Scola overò teatro nel quale sono rappresentate diverse maniere, e modi di parare, e di ferire di spada sola, e di spada e pugnale; dove ogni studioso portrà essersitarsi e farsi prattico nella professione dell’armi.

Translation: School or rather theatre wherein are shown various manners, and ways of parrying, and of injuring with a sword only, and with sword and dagger; where every scholar will be able to exercise and become practiced in the profession of weapons.

1619 - FR
Escrime nouvelle ou Théatre auquel sont représentées diverses manières de parer et de frapper, d’espée seul et d’espée et poignard ensemble.

Translation: New fencing or Theater in which are represented various ways of fending and hitting, sword alone and sword and dagger together.

1622 - DE
Newe Fechtkunst, oder Schawplatz darauff allerhand Arten zu versetzen und zuschlagen mit dem Rapier allein, und mit Rapier und Dolchen zusammen vorgestellet.

Translation: The new art of fencing: stage on which all kinds of parries and hits are presented with the rapier alone and with the rapier and dagger together.

1622 - FR
Echole ou Theatret: Auquel sont
représentées diverses manières de se seuir de l’espée seule, ou accompaignée du pignard, tant pour destournet que pour donner le coup de Nicolas Giganti.

Translation: School or Theater: To which are
represented various ways of sweating with the sword alone, or accompanied by the pignard, both for embezzlement and for striking Nicolas Giganti.

Scola overò teatro, nel quale sono rappresentate diverse maniere, e modi di parare e di ferire di spada sola, e di spada a pugnale; dove ogni studioso potrà essercitarsi, & farsi prattico nella professione dell’armi.

Translation: School or rather theatre wherein are shown various manners, and ways of parrying, and of injuring with a sword only, and with sword and dagger.

Paradoel 2005, 1100.01 => 1106.01 (Excl. 1101)
Gelli, 1895, 112
Thimm 1896, 115
Maedebach 1968, 7 (31)
BLGC 1979 (vol. 123), 380
K.U. Leuven 1998, 97 (28)
Nagy 1987, 19

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:


1 gen 1606 anni
~ 418 years ago
