June 15, 2024

1 gen 1962 anni - Spacewar!


Spacewar! was created by Steve Russell in collaboration with Martin Graetz and Wayne Witanen and programmed by Steve Russell, Bob Saunders and Steve Piner. The game was designed and written for the newly installed DEC PDP-1 at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. After the initial creation of Spacewar! many other students and employees of the local universities began expanding further and further on the game. Spacewar! was installed on a few PDP-1 computers that were mostly for academic such as universities making Spacewar! to be the first video game to be played at multiple computer installations.

The game featured two spaceships called "the needle" and "the wedge" and they fought against each other whilst maneuvering in the gravity well of a star. Both spaceships were controlled by human players with each ship only having limited fuel for maneuvering and a limited number of ammo, the ship also followed Newtonian Physics remaining in motion even when the player isn't accelerating. The game was revolutionary in terms of pure features and really opened up the way for multiplayer games where you could create your own tactics to beat your opponent using features the game gives you as a way to assist your victory. The game had an early game pad to reduce the difficulty and awkwardness that would exist with analog controls.

Spacewar! would go onto further directly inspire games sucg as Galaxy Game, Computer Space and even later games sucg as Asteroids in 1979.

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:


1 gen 1962 anni
~ 62 years ago